Michał Kordas

I’m a quality maniac with passion for Java, Groovy, JVM and fancy tools that automatically enforce quality and help test code in smart, fluent, and expressive ways. I love bringing feedback loops to the micro-level, and my main area of interest is agile testing. For last 5 years I have been working for UBS as a fully cross-functional member of a strongly agile team as a “quality guardian” with a particular focus on well-written code, solid requirements, and efficient processes. I believe that being a truly good QA is not only about having testing-related skills. It’s also about being software engineer with all the knowledge necessary to deliver production code of the highest possible quality. Besides day work I’m also a contributor to the open-source tools related to code style and I train people in Java and Agile.


Baking in superb code quality into the Java World